The collection and selection solution for higher education

Universities and colleges, big and small, use Submittable's easy-to-use platform to collect, review, and make decisions about all kinds of submissions and applications—saving them the time and cost of using multiple solutions.


How Submittable saves you time (and sanity)

Collect applications, automate workflows, coordinate review, and report on results, faster. Submittable’s online submission management system manages all your data and tasks from one, intuitive platform.

Attract strong applications

Remove barriers to get the quality and quantity of applications you're looking for, regardless of the kind of opportunity.

Review efficiently

Keep your team focused and take the small stuff off your plate with automation and workflow tools that save hours and eliminate stress.

Make the best choice

Collaborate effectively and find the perfect match for your opportunity. Measure progress at the end and easily report on results.

One solution that fits all your needs

Submittable makes it easy for teams and departments across campus to efficiently collaborate and find the best match for unlimited programs, campaigns, and opportunities.

Trusted for processes both simple and complex

Focus on your big-picture goals

Submittable saves organizations an average of 12 hours per week—so your team can spend more time on what matters most to you.

Accessible and inclusive

Submittable has industry-best accessibility certifications, and tools to help support your goals around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Eliminate bias

With anonymous reviews, you can ensure a fair and impartial process for all applicants.

Tech support for all

Our friendly and fast tech support team helps both you and your submitters.

Great for students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni

No matter your role or your goals, Submittable's software can help you achieve more with less work.

Work remotely

Anytime, anywhere access makes it easy to work with applicants and reviewers regardless of location.

Best-in-class security

Single Sign On, permission levels, and compliance certifications keep your data safe.

Collaborate across departments

A single solution deployed across campus facilitates data sharing and working together across departments.


Signing on as an institution multiplies benefits across campus.

Unlimited digital archives

Eliminate paper files and overflowing inboxes.

Free up IT resources

No IT required—plus, Submittable offers tech support to both your team and your applicants.

Features designed to save you time

There are never enough hours in the day. Submittable saves your team time by providing a single platform to handle all kinds of processes, and an intuitive design you'll master quickly.

A simple, flexible form builder

Collect exactly the information needed from applicants with our drag-and-drop form builder. Create dynamic forms that hide or reveal questions based on an applicant's answers, accept over 50+ types of file uploads, and incorporate fees and payments throughout.

Customizable response templates

Personalize bulk messages to communicate proactively with large groups in just a few clicks. Students appreciate knowing the status of their application, and you'll love keeping queries out of your inbox. You can also use templates to quickly request references, additional information, or progress reports.

Robust reporting tools

Regardless of what team you're on and what kind of process you're running, you'll need a simple way to demonstrate the impact of your program. Submittable's reporting tools make it easy to measure progress, identify trends, and ensure you meet your goals.

A simple, flexible form builder

Features designed to save you time

There are never enough hours in the day. Submittable saves your team time by providing a single platform to handle all kinds of processes, and an intuitive design you'll master quickly.

A simple, flexible form builder

Collect exactly the information needed from applicants with our drag-and-drop form builder. Create dynamic forms that hide or reveal questions based on an applicant's answers, accept over 50+ types of file uploads, and incorporate fees and payments throughout.

A simple, flexible form builder
Customizable response templates

Personalize bulk messages to communicate proactively with large groups in just a few clicks. Students appreciate knowing the status of their application, and you'll love keeping queries out of your inbox. You can also use templates to quickly request references, additional information, or progress reports.

Customizable response templates
Robust reporting tools

Regardless of what team you're on and what kind of process you're running, you'll need a simple way to demonstrate the impact of your program. Submittable's reporting tools make it easy to measure progress, identify trends, and ensure you meet your goals.

Robust reporting tools

Submittable has helped streamline our processes, reduce redundancies, and increase efficiencies.

Justin Miller

Special Projects Administration Director, Ball State University

Having anonymous review promotes fairness. You’re not sitting in a room where the person who speaks first, or the person who speaks loudest, or the person in a position of power sways the other reviewers.

Lynn Metcalf

Fellows Director, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Loved by schools, big and small

Private colleges, large public universities, community colleges, religious schools—institutions of higher learning of all sizes and stripes are relying on Submittable to manage their application and submission processes for both administrative and academic purposes.

500+ schools

Over 500 institutions of higher education are already saving time with Submittable.

8,400+ opportunities

Submittable has helped colleges and universities launch thousands of calls for applications and submissions.

1.3+M submissions

Over a million individuals have submitted to an opportunity at a higher education institution via Submittable.

Secure, reliable, accessible

Submittable is built on a modern cloud infrastructure with privacy and security features designed to ensure the safety of your data.

It's easy to get started

Get a a personalized demo and help you find the perfect plan for your team.