Automate review workflows for faster, more objective decisions

Assess and analyze vast amounts of applicant data with Submittable’s Automated Review. Our customers save an average of 3.4 administrative hours per week by automatically processing applications to your exact specifications.

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Leave the legwork to technology

Save time and money by automating the manual tasks involved with reviewing submissions. Set custom evaluation criteria to automatically sort and score applications based on their responses and paperwork. You can even train the model off your preferences to provide more nuanced reviews. All so you don’t have to sacrifice quality for speed (or vice versa).


Set the parameters and let it run

Submittable’s services team will work with you to set up automations to your exact specifications. Once they’re up and running, you can adjust based on your findings and progress so you can keep everything running smoothly.

Process mountains of data quickly

Apply automated scoring based on your own custom-defined rubric criteria to let the best applications naturally filter to the top—leading to better decisions in record time. Base this scoring rubric on files such as tax forms and identification documents, or automatically scan essay questions, images, video, and more. 

Automate a complex process

Simplify your team’s workflows with auto-labeling, auto-assignments, custom calculations, and criteria to automatically move applicants through stages. 

Reduce fraud and human error

Cross-reference tax forms and identification documents against vast third-party databases, such as online reviews or social media profiles, to stop fraud in its tracks. These automations, plus Submittable’s fraud prevention tools, helps you ensure you always put funds in the right hands.

Avoid misappropriation of funds

Moving carefully no longer means moving slowly. Address your community’s needs quickly while automatically filtering out bad actors.

Use manual spot checks

Incorporate redundancies, such as human validation of a subset of applications, so you can move forward confidently without bogging the whole process down. For example, one applicant might meet most criteria, but not all, triggering a manual review from your team.

Gain peace of mind

Always know exactly how your automations are performing. You’ll retain the ability to adjust and tweak your program and its automations post-launch.


Scale your program without sacrificing your sanity

No matter the size of your team or your grant program, Automated Review will allow you to meet the needs of your applicants. No more long hours, time crunch, or muddled communication. Just clarity, efficiency, and confidence.

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Focus more on the details

With the busywork taken care of, you can turn your attention to more pressing matters like integrations and deep customization.

Automate busywork and get to the good work

Schedule a demo today to see how Automated Review can eliminate the tedious work and allow you to focus on what’s most important: making a meaningful impact.

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